
Run Time: 15:45
The University of Toledo Department of History was the sponsor of the Charles DeBenedetti Peace Conference.
Sister Paulette Schroeder was a teacher for twenty-one years in elementary and high school, but she has always tried to live as sister to the folks on the margins. She went to Nicaragua during the Sandanista Revolution, took a year off to work on the streets and in a nursing home, organized an inner city neighborhood, and taught in the Delta of Mississippi when segregation was still in place (1986–).
She has crossed the Atlantic eighteen times now in the capacity of a Christian Peacemaker Team member from August 2008 to August 2011. During those three years she worked on the ground in Hebron, West Bank. She lived with a team in H2, which is an area controlled by martial law. Team accompaniment involved patrolling the streets, accompanying children to school through checkpoints, monitoring checkpoints, and responding to the many changeable aspects of life for the Palestinians, since settlers and military control every movement of life for them.
After three years Sister Paulette has returned to work for the liberation of the Palestinians on this side of the ocean, where the real problem is with U.S. policy; and for Jewish brothers and sisters, whose deepest values (as a faith community) are eroding in the Israeli Occupation. The name of this new effort is O.N.E. (for Oneness, Nonviolence, Engagement), and all who hope to change U.S. policies toward Palestine and Israel are welcome.