
Run Time: 1:20

Judy Endow's presentation was about how autistics are the same and different from people who do not have autism. Selections from both Making Lemonade: Hints for Autism's Helpers and Paper Words, Discovering and Living with My Autism along with Judy's real life stories, including a trip to New York City with her best friend and their sons, highlighted how it is not only possible, but can be fun and rewarding for “world-people” to take trips with, interact with and form friendships with a person on the spectrum. Judy Endow, MSW maintains a private practice in Madison, WI providing consultation for families, school districts and other agencies. Besides having autism herself, she is the parent of a son on the autism spectrum. Judy does workshops and presentations on a variety of autism related issues, is part of the Wisconsin DPI Statewide Autism Training Team and a board member of ASW. Her first book, Making Lemonade, Hints for Autism's Helpers (2006 CBR Press) shows how Judy has used the lemons of her autism to “make lemonade” in her own life.
The presentation was held at the University of Toledo.